
Edited papers

Jérôme Tubiana, Clotilde Warin, and Mahamat Saleh Mangare. Diaspora in Despair: Darfurian Mobility at a Time of International Disengagement. Small Arms Survey, Geneva. June 2020. [Co-edited with Matt Johnson]

Khalid Ammar Hassan. Spilling Over: Conflict Dynamics in and around Sudan’s Blue Nile State, 2015–19. Small Arms Survey, Geneva. March 2020.

Alan Boswell. Insecure Power and Violence: The Rise and Fall of Paul Malong and the Mathiang Anyoor. Small Arms Survey, Geneva. October 2019.

Joshua Craze. Displaced and Immiserated: The Shilluk of Upper Nile in South Sudan’s civil war, 2014-19. Small Arms Survey, Geneva. September 2019.

Flora McCrone. War Crimes and Punishment: The Terrain compound attack and military accountability in South Sudan, 2016-18. Small Arms Survey, Geneva. August 2019.


*NEW* When it comes to conserving heritage sites, the world is not enough in The National, 2 March 2022. [in English]

The dangers of ‘world heritage’ in The National, 5 November 2021. [in English]

Egyptology isn’t just about what we find, but who finds it – and why’ in The National, 17 February 2021. [in English]

‘Meet the agency that brought World Press Photo’s images to Iraq’ in Al-Monitor, 22 August 2019. [in English]

‘Saudi Arabia seeks to entice visitors with pre-Islamic sites’ in Al-Monitor, 20 February 2019. [in English]

‘How this royal portrait boosted Qatari national identity’ in Al-Monitor, 16 January 2019. [in English]

‘Sotheby’s auctions off ancient Egyptian artifacts’ in Al-Monitor, 7 December 2018. [in English]

‘Idlib museum throws open doors in defiance of threats’ in Al-Monitor, 31 August 2018. [in English]

‘British Museum hands over Girsu treasures to Iraq’ in Al-Monitor, 17 August 2018. [i English]

‘Despite IS threat, Iraqi Kurdistan tries to lure tourists’ in Al-Monitor, 12 January 2016. [in English, Arabic and Turkish]

‘Will Qatar’s Investment In Ancient Pyramids Bring Tourists To Sudan?’ in Al-Monitor, 7 December 2015. [in English and Arabic]


Bradshaw, R. (f/c, 2022) ‘The Impact of Conflict on Sudanese Architecture’. Encyclopaedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World. Bloomsbury.

Humphris, J, Bradshaw, R, and Emberling, G, (2021) Archaeological Practice in the Twenty-First Century: Reflecting on Archaeologist-Community Relationships in Sudan’s Nile Valley. In: G. Emberling and B. Williams (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bradshaw, R (2020) ‘Reflections on the Coronavirus Pandemic in Sudan, South Sudan and the UK: A conversation hosted by SSSUK’. Sudan Studies 62.

Abulgasim, T and Bradshaw R. (2020) The contemporary significance of archaeological sites in Sudan: A case study of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of El Kurru, Sudan. Sudan Studies 62.

Bradshaw R (2020) The Small Arms Survey’s Human Security and Baseline Assessment (HBSA) Project, 2016-19. Sudan Studies 61: 65-75. [Find the PDF here]

Bradshaw R (2019) UCL Qatar: Archaeology in Meroe. Sudan Studies: 76-9. [Find the PDF here]

Bradshaw, R. (2018) ‘Fāida shenū? (What is the benefit?): A Framework for Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Archaeology’, Sudan & Nubia 22: 188-197. [Find the PDF here]

Humphris J and Bradshaw R (2017) Understanding the ‘Community’ before ‘Community Archaeology’: A Case Study from Sudan. Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage 4(3), 203-217. [Find the PDF here

The article above also appeared in Participatory Archaeology and Heritage Studies: Perspectives from Africa, a special book published by Taylor and Francis in 2018, which is available now on Amazon. [20% discount available – enter the code FLR40 at checkout.]

Spence K, Rose P, Bradshaw R et al. (2011) Sesebi 2011. Sudan & Nubia 15, 34-9. [Find the PDF here]


2020. August. Professor Intisar Elzein, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. 500 Words Magazine. [Find the article here]

2020, May. 12 Must-Visit Attractions in Doha, Qatar. Culture Trip. [Find the article here]

2020, March. Top 10 Things To Do in Khartoum, Sudan. Culture Trip. [Find the article here]

2014. Kurdistan’s 21st Century ‘Gold Rush’. Popular Archaeology 16. [Find Rebecca’s profile here and the article here]

This article was also published in book and Kindle formats and described as “the finest issue of Popular Archaeology Magazine to date”. It can be found on Amazon.

2013. Off the Beaten Track in Iraqi Kurdistan. Current World Archaeology 61, 52-55. [Find the PDF here]


Community engagement at Barkal, in the University of Michigan project website, March 2022. [in English]