
Sudan Vision

In December 2015, Rebecca was interviewed with a colleague about their work at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Meroe, Sudan.

Download their interviews here:

The New York Times

In 2013, Rebecca was interviewed by The New York Times about leading the first excursions to Iraqi Kurdistan for veteran tour provider, Steppes Travel.

Read, ‘Trips to Ancient Iraq’, In Transit, 9th October 2013, here.

Pictures of Rebecca on the first tour also appeared in the Kurdistan Tour Guide 2015-16, which can be purchased here.

Al-Mashhad Al-Aàn

In 2013, Rebecca was interviewed about her Ph.D research in Sudan by Al-Mashhad Al-Aàn (‘The Current View’), a Sudanese newspaper.

For a copy of this article, please get in touch.

Arena Media

In 2012, Rebecca was interviewed by Arena Media and several other news outlets about her work in Rousse, Bulgaria, under the heading: “10 years of excavations on the Medieval town of Cherven by university student from the UK”.

For copies of these articles, please get in touch.